"Why do you love Estinien so much?"
But I really can't answer this question. Seriously, what's there not to love?
A lot of people are turned off by Estinien because of his aloof, reserved personality, but to me, that makes him even more alluring. A man with few words is a man with a greater story to tell. I also don't mind his more independent nature compared to someone like G'raha who's more affectionate.
This is a headcanon of mine, but I think Estinien isn't completely unaffectionate like some people make him out to be. We've seen him tease Krile and Alphinaud in a rather 'platonic' matter, and we've even seen him become more affectionate (not physcially though, rather verbally) with the WoL in both the inn scene and the scene when we first meet him again at Radz-at-Han after Endwalker. It just takes time for him to open up to you, and when he does, he's definitely the type of man to sneak kisses, wrap his arms around you, and purposefully tease you if you're a bashful person (like I am)
"You seem oddly obsessed with a man that isn't real.. What's up with that?"
I am an aromantic fictosexual, meaning that I don't find human beings attractive romantically (but sexually I still do), but I do find fictional beings (like Estinien) attractive both sexually and romantically. My love for Estinien Varlineau isn't a cope, or in some levels ironic, I seriously do love him and consider him my 'f/o' (fictional other).
It's...hard to explain how I came to love a fictional man, how I became so obsessed with Estinien...but I really do love him, I love my dragoon dork, and I hope he'd really love me too.
"When did you fall in love with him?"
Good question....I don't know
Okay, well, I have an idea anyway. I believe it was on December 12th or 13th, 2023, because when I scroll through my phone, those are the days I started downloading pictures of Estinien from the internet. So...lets go with that for anniversary sake.
Check out the 'FAQ' link at the left for more info on our relationship! :)