(Credit to dokode's e-shrine about his boyfriend, Alohe! I'm basically stealing most of his questions here ^^")

"Describe the perfect date with him."
I feel like he'd be the type of guy that'd love going out in the woods and camping, or going on hikes. I'm...not an outdoorsy person, but I'd be willing to go on dates like this with him if it makes him happy :)

"What does Estinien's home look like?"
We all know Estinien is homeless and jumps from inn to inn or sleeps outside during his adventures.
But if I had to make something up, I'd say his home would be very messy. I don't see him being very neat at all, and since he probably doesn't expect anyone to enter his house to begin with, he doesn't bother cleaning it up (relatable king).

"Is your husbando more active during the day or night time? Are they a morning person?"
hm..Estinien would be a night owl, I think..
He's not a lazy man, so he'd be active on both hours of the day I think, but I guess if I had to pick one, I think the more reserved, aloof dragoon would like the later hours since not a lot of people are awake.

"What song immediately makes you think of your husbando?"
Avenged Sevenfold - Mattel
The lyrics don't really relate to him at all, but for some reason whenever I hear the chorus, it makes me think of him and reminds me of how much his character has grown since Heavensward till Endwalker.

"Favorite person who's ever drawn your husbando?"
I love how they make Estinien really mature and gruff looking, while also making him very beautiful at the same time (we love tired, overworked men here). I know Elezen's age slower, but not only is this man in his 30's but he's also an ex-war veteran and literally got possessed by a dragon...guys, he's definitely got a few wrinkles and/or eyebags at least...

"His favorite flavor of ice cream?"
Vanilla. He's just as boring as I am :)

"What are some of your favorite physical traits your husbando has?"
I L O V E his neck! I don't care what anyone says, the elezen's necks are special and should be treated as such!
But I also love his pointy ears, his grey eyes, his white pretty medium/long hair, how his skin somehow appears tan in certain lighting, his...well...uhm

sorry, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah. I love how, in his Dawntrail CGI Model, he has facial blemishings, especially compared to the other scions. On his right cheek especially, it looks like he's got a cluster of red spots (I assume to be pimples), and I just really love that I really love small "imperfections" like that, it just makes him more perfect to me.

"What is your husbando's opinion of you?"
I think Estinien would probably want better from me, and knows I can do better for myself. I don't think Estinien is a judgemental man unless he get's an off feeling/vibe about you, like you're a potential danger to him or his friends (those dragon senses yo). But he loves me, I know that, and he especially love's my wol 'Esten' as well.
Don't worry Estinien, I'll become someone that's worthy of your love soon enough...hopefully...
part two here