"If you were to introduce your husbando to a video game you think they would like, which one would you choose?"
I'd probably introduce him to a souls-like game, I think he'd love those just for the challenge. He'd also probably like shooter games so he can curse people out in VC and get banned 5 hours later for 'hate speech' with mountain dew bottles on his desk (god he's so disgusting, I love him).

"How would your husbando react to someone flirting with you?"
Estinien, with that dragon blood still in him, would be INCREADIBLY posessive, I'd say. He'd turn primal and growl at any man even ATTEMPTING to interact with me besides the males he's already familiar with. If someone were to flirt with me, he'd immediately snatch me away somewhere and proceed to...ahem... "reclaim me".

"Is your husbando familiar with how to use technology?"
This man is terrible with coin, you think he'd be able to use technology? But no he's not. I think he looks at Esten use his machinist gadgets and become so...fascinated by them and how he uses "those contraptions".

"How does he cope with his problems?"
Drinking :(
I'm sure many people don't know this, but Estinien DOES actually drink. Read his side story,
As Azure Fades, it talks about how Estinien never drinked during the Dragonsong War, but ever since he's stopped carrying the title of Azure Dragoon, "he had been surprised to find that he rather looked forward to the reward of a drink in the evening".
He might not be an alcoholic, but he does have a 'habit' that I think he practices when he's stressed as well.

"Silliest headcanon you have of your husbando?"

that is all
but seriously, this isn't "silly" but I do think he has the autismo (and definitely ADHD). Yoshi-P confirmed he doesn't know how to read the room, so he's at least somewhat socially inept or at least awkward. I like to imagine Estinien's hyperfixations is Dragons and the history of dried squid or something and he just randomly starts to ramble about either of them to Esten/Alphinaud/Aymeric whenever he gets the chance to without warning (and I love him for that).

"Does anybody outside of waifuist spaces know about your relationship?"
Hell yeah they do. Just like Kurt I make sure to let everyone know my love for Estinien. My last name in the game is HIS last name, my search comment usually refers to Estinien somehow, I have a youtube channel which is pretty much dedicated to the man, and I also have a tumblr blog, which I obsess over him quite a bit there too. My wallpaper is Estinien, most of my pfp's are Estinien, and I have Estinien merchandise all over my walls and on my bulletin board in my room.

"What is his love language?"
Acts of Service. He's not the most physical person, and he's quite embarrased to say words of affirmation/affection like "I love you" and all that, but he has no problem being there for me if I need help with anything. I have his lance, now and always.

"How big is your collection?"
I currently have about 400+ photos/videos/gifs of Estinien saved on my phone....so yeah!
part one here